
Pasolini nell’era di Internet

year 2000 duration 60'
freely inspired by the text "Tra reale e virtuale: Pasolini nell’era di Internet" by Guido Nicolosi

choregraphy and direction roberto zappalà

original music nello toscano
costumes roger salas
set roberto zappalà
light design marco policastro
sound engineer gaetano leonardi
performers sonia condorelli, linda magnifico, manuela maugeri, alessandra scalambrino, alessandro di carlo, giuliano guerrini, sandro vacca, roberto zappalà
trumpet  dino rubino
a coproduction by compagnia zappalà danza – Città di Catania – BIG Torino 2000 – La Danza, Teatro A.Ponchielli di Cremona
with the supporto of Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Dipartimento Spettacolo – Regione Siciliana – Provincia Regionale di Catania – Città di Catania
Prémière : 11 aprile 2000 , BIG Torino 2000
With this work Roberto Zappalà continues along the road of poetic investigations in the search of the “secret identities”. And the identity is the hidden (but not so much) protagonist of the intense choreographic constructions of the dance. In addition this search will, once again, go through a privileged itinerary: the rediscovery and the reprojecting of the body.
Why then disturbing a unique person like Pier Paolo Pasolini for such an artistic project?
Because, once again, Pasolini is able to indicate the crucial contradictions of our future. A future where, to a greater and greater extent, the real and virtual categories, their opposition or their fusion will permeate our acting, our anthropological constitution.
This work intends to “reflect” the possible opposing and consonant ways, using precisely the central dimensions of the real according to Pasolini: the bodies and places, and their transformation into new telematic networks. It will be the Pasolinian bodies and places which will hover between the virtual metamorphases represented by the dance.