
Le città visibili – application form

Le città visibili – application form

Section 1: Main info

1. Candidate Type

2. Administrative situation

3. Company / Artist Name

4. Nationality

5. Year of birth of the principal choreographer

6. CV

Provide a summary of artist/company CV (Documents sent by post or as email attachments will not be accepted.)


7. Headquarters

Enter the city and eventually the place where the company/artist works. Example ( Scenario Pubblico - Catania)

8. Social network page

9. Web address

10. Year that applicant began activity

11. Links to samples of previous works

One video per line. Videos sent by post or as email attachments will not be accepted.


12. Links to full video of previous works

One video per line. Videos sent by post or as email attachments will not be accepted.


13. You are regurarly funded by?

Section 2: Contact details

14. Name

15. Surname

16. Role

17. Email

18. Telephone

19. Other contacts

Section 3: Project details

20. Project description

Provide a brief description of the project.


21. Sample of this project (links to videos)

One video per line. Videos sent by post or as email attachments will not be accepted.


22. What stage is the project currently at?

23. Expected medium for circulation of the project

(Festivals, shows, competitions, video, etc.)

24. If your project is a coproduction, provide the names of the partners